Talcy Malcy

For someone with such a reputation as a bullshitter and sleazy manipulator I’m surprised at how sad I am about the death of Maclolm McLaren. Perhaps because, like it or not, without him there would have been no Sex Pistols and without them my life would have been different and probably far less interesting.

So thank you for that Malcolm, and for Bow Wow Wow, “Buffalo Gals” and this.

Download: Double Dutch (12″ version) – Malcolm Mclaren (mp3)

11 thoughts on “Talcy Malcy”

  1. Yes, I've just heard the news too and I feel exactly the same. He was the ultimate art school student who never grew up – and I think that describes me too (for better or worse). One of my tutors at college was always hassling him to write his official biography, but it never happened. His autobiography would have been brilliant, and not just for the Sex Pistols bit.


  2. I loved Viviennes words "I thought he is a very charismatic, special and talented person. The thought of him dead is really something very sad" amen.


  3. It's a real blow ~ he's the first person, I've grown up with, that's had any memorable style and musical impact on my life.Yes Elvis, Lennon even Bolan were heavier hitters, but Malcom's ideas, inspiration and designs were part of 'my time' and formative teenage years..


  4. In the mid-90's I used to work for a design company on Tottenham Court Road, and Malcolm used to live nearby. I often used to see him in his tweed suits wandering around (buying his tomatoes in Tesco's on Goodge Street). I never went up and spoke to him, in fear of having the "I'm such a great fan" type embarrassing conversation. He was a man of great ideas who made them happen (like Tony Wilson and Bill Drummond). I kind of wish I had spoken to him now.


  5. it was a joy seeing him trolling about fitzrovia wasn't it malcolm. i always smiled when he passed and i'm sure i got a wink once.i'm suprised how sad i was at this newsx


  6. Newly arrived in London (from the North), I too spotted Malcolm in the supermarket, several times, in Safeway's in the Brunswick Center… This was 1982/3 (apparently he was living in Bloomsbury then). He was dressed all very Nostalgia of Mud–formless and baggy, but perfectly alien and totally oblivious to the stares and stolen glances of the regular folks doing their shopping. Never dared say a word to him: seemed enough, smitten with finally living in London, to find he shopped in the same place as me. A totally unique and necessary character; a navigator, decipherer, and provocateur. Cannot believe he's gone. Wore my darkest Viv W tie to work on Friday after I'd found out. Love the website Lee–I've never spoken up till now, but I've been looking in regularly for a long long time. Ex-pat Brit, in Detroit. All the best.


  7. I had a love/hate thing with Malcolm Mclaren. I hated the self-regarding grandioseness of the man, but over time I learned to love that too. He had more ideas than most and his knowledge of everything and anything was scary. He left behind some fine music. How to describe him? George Cole’s Flash Harry fused with Malcolm McDowell’s Harry Flashman!

    The world is indeed a poorer place without him.


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