
For those that care I would like to point out that I have added a shed-load of new links over on the right all of which come with the Chip Shop seal of approval. I’ve increased the number of listening recommendations too but that might be the only time this year there are four new records I like out at the same time.

(Yes, I do like the Lana Del Rey album and I think the backlash against her has been well over the top.)

Download: Million Dollar Man – Lana Del Rey (mp3)

11 thoughts on “Housekeeping”

  1. I like the Lana del Rey album too. All this talk about manufactured pop is ridiculous. Anyone who knows anything about pop history will know there’s always been an element of reinvention. Just ask Robert Zimmerman, David Jones and John Lydon.


  2. She’s like the hot girl the indie kid gets talking to in a bar and can’t believe how cool she is, she likes the same music and movies he does and even seems to be really into him. He can’t believe his luck. Then her rich, hunky boyfriend comes in and she goes home with him in his Porsche and the indie kid is left there thinking “Bitch, I thought she was so cool but she’s just like the rest of them”


  3. Great with the new links, right now I’m reading Mike Dempsey’s Graphic journal, quiet fascinating. I think you would like it’s Will Schofield collecting illustrations, it’s a great collection, the blog used to be called A Journey Round My Skull, a title I like so much I used it for my last exhibition. Thanks for your blog and your links, you pointed my to Pushing Ahead of The Dame, I have been addicted ever since, being a huge Bowie fan 😉


  4. Lee, thanks again for introducing me to her music. Much of the “backlash” seems to be from her appearence on Saturday Night Live, which stopped being relevant years ago (and stopped being funny the first episode in my humble opinion). Critics who watch SNL for the music are like young men who claim they read Playboy for the articles.


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