Mr. Popularity

This little blog of mine usually potters along with about 200-300 visitors a day, but last week an old post about Roxy Music album covers got mentioned on another blog from where it was picked up by BoingBoing, then tweeted about by the radio station WMFU, and re-tweeted by several people including Danny Baker. The result of this chain reaction was that on Friday my small nook of the web had nearly 20,000 visitors. Good job I made extra sandwiches that day.

It felt like old times in a way. When I started doing this lark a decade ago, mp3 blogs were the hot, new thing and my old site The Number One Songs In Heaven got mentions in The Guardian, USA Today, and The Boston Globe which often caused a surge in traffic that used up all my bandwidth and took the site down for the rest of the month. But now that the kidz are all Twittering, Tumblring, and whatever-ing (I think Facebook is considered for old people now) the “buzz” train has moved elsewhere leaving me with the feeling that blogging had become the vinyl records of the internet — a quaint medium for old farts that like to read more than 140 characters about things no one under 30 cares about anymore. Least that how it looks from where I’m sitting.

But that doesn’t bother me and I rarely look at my site stats, I wouldn’t have even known about the sudden flood of visitors if Davy hadn’t given me a heads up about being on Twitter. I know that the internet is a fickle mistress and today’s hot link is tomorrow’s fish and chip paper (or whatever the correct metaphor is) and I’ll soon bore all the new visitors away.

But if you are new here, welcome, and I hope you stick around. Things aren’t always that interesting these days because I’ve been at this a long time, but wait until you see my upcoming gallery of outtakes from Mrs. Mills album covers.

Download: Move The Crowd – Eric B & Rakim (mp3)

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