Everyone Knows It’s Windy

I slept through the infamous storm of 1987. I had no idea what had happened until I was woken early in the morning by a phone call from my mum asking me if I was OK. Then I noticed that our electricity had gone out. I still went to work later that day — Spirit of The Blitz and all that, you know.

Poor old Michael Fish, 30 years of forecasting the weather on the BBC — mostly accurately I imagine — and all he gets remembered for now is blowing the call on the biggest storm to hit England in 300 years. It reminds me of that “And you shag one sheep!” joke.

Download: (He’s Our Dear Old) Weatherman – Mark Wirtz (mp3)

This happy paisley number is from the 1960s legendary unfinished Teenage Opera project.

6 thoughts on “Everyone Knows It’s Windy”

  1. Ah memories. I was working at East Midlands Airport during the storm and we drove back down to Brighton the following day, with several detours around fallen trees and what have you, to find the roof blown off my block of flats. Fortunately the bit of roof over my flat had hung on in there, preserving my belongings. Took about six months to get straightened out, what with builders being so busy. And you tell that to t’kids of today..


  2. Me and my sister watched some of it at night, especially the moment when a gust of wind grabbed some scaffolding on a building nearby and pulled it over – straight onto some cars in a car park opposite.

    The next morning my mum, who had slept through it, sent my sister to school, wouldn’t believe it had happened. The school was shut due to damage. My mum felt guilty for years afterwards.

    I went to the college where I was doing my a-levels and a really old tree had collapsed onto the entrance. The college was shut for a month. Opened just in time to shut for Christmas.


  3. I was living in Clapham right next to a railway line that ran very noisy goods trains at night. I soon learned to sleep through those so no storm was going to wake me.


  4. What I found interesting was that he would stand perfectly covering the Republic of Ireland. Apparently there was no weather there at all!


  5. I was in the navy, we couldn’t get into harbour so stayed out and ended up having to rescue a sailboat that had capsised. The owner wouldn’t get off it, so we had to pump oil to calm the sea to stop him drowning from the spray. Not a nice night to be at sea, the ship stunk of puke for weeks!!


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