New Monday

The mega-talented Jenny Lewis has a surprising new project with the pithy name Nice As Fuck (whatever you do, don’t do a Google image search of that), an all-female trio she formed with Erika Foster of Au Revoir Simone and Tennessee Thomas of The Like.

The band are a complete left-turn from the sophisticated country-pop of her solo records into stripped-down and bouncy Post-Punk driven only by drums and throbbing Joy-Divisiony bass.

I don’t know if this short, nine-track album is a one-off but it does have a casual, thrown-together quality that suggests it is but is also very appealing. 

The vinyl version isn’t out until next month but you can get it digitally right now. Sometimes, nice as fuck girls finish first.

2 thoughts on “New Monday”

  1. Normally, this would be exactly my sort of thing.

    Not today though: it’s 32 degrees and hazy here in Rhode Island so I’m more in the mood for Augustus Pablo. I’ll file these away for October, when bopping is less medically contra-indicated.


  2. Tat must have a hard time with the local weather forecasts 🙂 (Either that, or s/he’s much better than me at doing the celsius/farenheit conversion).


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