One Love

I hope you saw the One Love Manchester concert yesterday because it was a treat and unexpectedly moving as a demonstration of the positive power of music. Not ashamed to admit that I got a bit choked up several times.

Unlike a lot of these big charity gigs it was very much a Poptimist affair. Ariana, Katy, and Miley gave the proceedings a youthful and female energy that they wouldn’t have if Bono had turned up to sing “Imagine” or Foo Fighters jammed a medley of Beatles songs.

The appearance of Liam Gallagher only underscored this. Credit to the guy for showing up, but his naturally sour demeanor was a bit of a downer compared to the rest of the proceedings. Though I guess the Dads who took their daughters to the show were happy to see him.

The world feels like such an utter shit sandwich at the moment. Motherfuckers killing people on the streets of our cities while we’re led by incompetent arseholes who appeal to the worst instincts of people. In times like this the best thing you can do is go toward the light and shun the darkness which this concert did beautifully. I know that sounds like a cat poster but it’s true.

Ariana Grande has been a favourite in our house since she co-starred in the very funny Nickleodeon show Sam & Cat, and this single of hers from 2014 is a real pop cracker I’ve liked since it came out (though I could do without Iggy Azalea being on it). You go, girl.

Download: Problem – Ariana Grande (mp3)

5 thoughts on “One Love”

  1. “In times like this the best thing you can do is go toward the light and shun the darkness…”

    Hear, hear … Admittedly only caught a bit on the ABC evening news (concert was rebroadcast too late for this old fart), but those clips did seem healing (and cathartic). I’ve several Mancunian relatives, so this one was a bit close to home.

    And agreed on the incompetent arseholes … The chasm between PT’s xenophobic rants and the spirit imbued in this concert could not be any wider…



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