Commercial Break

Though this commercial looks like one of the most “TOTALLY EIGHTIES!” things ever, the album it’s advertising came out in 1981 which just goes to show that a lot of the visual and musical signifiers of the decade were established almost at the beginning. This “synths and eye makeup” version of the 1980s soon peaked and was a cliche before the decade was even half done.

Despite the aroma of cheesy cash-in that sticks to most K-Tel albums Modern Dance is a pretty great compilation, as good a single-album snapshot of the New Romantic/Synthpop moment as you can get. One of the lesser-known tracks is by Birmingham group Fashion who never made it big but this was a decent record with some nice elastic bass-playing on it.

Download: Move On (Extended Version) – Fashion (mp3)

2 thoughts on “Commercial Break”

  1. Excellent stuff, I bought their album Fabrique, which I loved and still do. Don’t know what made me buy it as at that time I was listening to 70’s heavy rock eg Sabbath. Glad I did though.


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